Monday, August 20, 2012

Apt 101

Sorry for the lack of posting last week, I was moving!!!! Yay!!! So we're finally pretty much all settled in the new apartment and I love it!!!! It's so cute and cozy! Last night we finally tackled my closet and FINISHED it. We started the closet adventure three nights ago but had some minor set backs due to drywall giving out on us.... Apparently I have too many clothes.... Now there are still some organizational things that need to be done and I think I need to donate a couple more loads of clothes to the Salvation Army (I've already gotten rid of one HUGE trash bag, two HUGE boxes, and a couple smaller boxes worth of clothes, very painful). Pictures to come later! Any ways, I like to think the way Carrie Bradshaw does! Te hehe!
[Pulled from here]

Last week consisted of a lot of picture/shelf/mirror hanging, furniture building, and organizing. This is what our hallway looked like all last week.... Tom said he is never using the drill again...

Here are some of my favorite things in the apartment so far!!
[My mom's awesome paintings that are going up in the kitchen]
[Super cool magnetic knife rack]
[The only piece from IKEA that I put together haha]
[The sombrero made it to the new apartment!!]

We went antique shopping this weekend and I found three awesome things! The first is this amazing old wooden chest that we placed at the end of our bed to store extra bedding. The second is a ladder shelf (not pictured) that fits perfectly in the living room and the third is this adorable hippo paper weight that I couldn't not buy....

More pictures of the finished apartment to come soon! Happy Monday!
Tonight's dinner and tomorrow's post: Black Bean and Sweet Potato Quesadillas :)

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